Monday, January 17, 2011

Ghost House Interior, Ghost Ranch 19

 6" x 6 inches, oil on panel, © Ann Painter, 2011

On rainy or cold days, I often take students inside Ghost House to paint from the interior of this old adobe building that housed early visitors to the Ranch. Built by hand in 1886, the building has been restored to retain the original character or the structure. There are stories of cattle rustlers, hangings in the huge cottonwood tree out front and ghosts that continue to haunt the place to this day.  The warm adobe walls change color all day long, depending on light, time of day and weather conditions. The interior of the building is lit by daylight streaming through the small original windows built into the the thick adobe walls.  It is this light and the glow it created that inspired this painting of chairs and table in the main room. This commissioned painting was created as a companion piece for the earlier Ghost House Exterior, Ghost Ranch 13.