Monday, October 19, 2009

Red and Purple Hills, Ghost Ranch 4

6 x 6 inches, oil on canvas © 2009 Ann Painter

This painting began during an outdoor painting class that I was teaching at Ghost Ranch and was finished in my studio. There are many challenges inherent in plein air painting or painting outside. The light changes all the time and in New Mexico is often so bright that seeing color is very challenging. An umbrella can help but it seems that as soon as I open mine, the wind comes up making its use impossible.

I love painting outside despite the shortcomings. There is something about being right in front of my subject that is very grounding and wonderful despite the challenges that the elements present. I finish most paintings that I start outside, in the studio and this painting was no exception. The studio is where I fine tune values and colors until I experience the "yes" in my body that lets me know the painting is done.

This particular formation had both red and purple colors and many different shades of each. Integrating the broad white band into the body of the hills so tha tit did not look like a decorative ribbon was a challenge as well and took several attempts until I was happy with it. Friends say I take too much time with these things but if I try and shortchange the process, I am plagued by the painting and cannot rest knowing it is not quite right and there is more to be done. The painting has to "sing" before I can let it fly away. This one flew quickly.

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